Maple Alps

Women of Intention

Women of Intention Week Ten: Simple Living

Women of IntentionAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

Welcome to week ten of the series, Women of Intention! We are just over halfway through and Maple Alps will continue to feature a woman every week who will talk about intentionality in specific areas in her life. So glad you've decided to stop by! For more information, and a list of topics, visit our introduction post HERE

How does living simply tie into intentional living? #WomenOfIntention16 #MapleAlps


Today, we are going to meet Stefanie of Simple Acres, an inspiring blog full of natural health, farming,home decor, art and humour!

Today, Stefanie will be talking to us about simple living and how it has benefitted her and her family.

After reading this post, be sure to check out Stefanie's blog and share this post :)

Find Stefanie on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

Tell us a bit about yourself: What are you passions, work and interests?

My name is Stefanie. I am a very passionate person. I'm a mom of three, wife to my high school sweetheart, Registered Dietitian and entrepreneur . I'm passionate about my family first. Secondly, I find value in helping people find quality of life and success through self care and simple living.


What would you say simple living is and how does it tie into your intentional living?

Simple living is deeper to me than how to up cycle an old spoon or make an affordable yummy meal...simple living is leaning into that inner voice that guides your life to truth, joy and purpose. At Simple Acres I DO offer simple ways to be creative and nourish yourself and family but I also write about being present, intentional and grateful in life.

How can one adapt a simple lifestyle - what does it practically look like, and how can it be of benefit?

First off I believe to simplify lifestyle requires perspective. Perspective of what truly matters in the grand scheme of life. To me relationship is the most important thing we have as well as the memories we create with the people we love. With that perspective it makes reducing the excess is life easier, whether it is too many things that stress us out or steal our time or over commitment that robs our joy in the present.


On your blog, you talk about country living being in your blood. How has nature played a role in this lifestyle of yours? Do you think things would be different if you lived or grew up or lived in the city?

I was born in Wyoming. I have endless memories of fishing with my parents and being in the mountains hiking and viewing animals. Those type of memories stick with me. They created a sense of oneness with nature and ultimately a connection with the Creator Himself. No matter where I am I definitely crave open space and nature because that is where I feel the best in life. I grew up later in life in the city so id say for me it's the first foundation of life that created who I feel I am related to nature. This is what inspires me to raise my kids on a farm setting.

What would you say to encourage someone who wishes to live simply but is having a hard time?

First I'd like to say, I feel your struggle as I do to. Simple living and the mindset of focusing on less to ultimately have more (peace, joy and presence)is a learning journey I am on as well. I would say take it one day at a time, reflect on gratitude and SAVOUR the moment you are in! Every aspect of life offers joy from a delicious meal with a friend to the kiss of your sweet child. The details in life like organizing, spending, decorating, cooking...whatever you feel the need to simplify start in one area of your life at a time... It's a journey worth being patient with yourself with. 

What about you? What helps you be intentional in your life? What do you think about simple living? Why don't you tell us about it in the comments, and connect with us on social media?

(Don't forget to use the hashtag #WomenOfIntention16 so no one misses it!)


Women of Intention Week Nine: Friendships

Women of Intention, RelationshipsAmanda Walter | Maple Alps5 Comments

Welcome to week nine of the series, Women of Intention! We are just over halfway through and Maple Alps will continue to feature a woman every week who will talk about intentionality in specific areas in her life. So glad you've decided to stop by! For more information, and a list of topics, visit our introduction post HERE

Intentionality in Friendships. #WomenofIntention16 #MapleAlps


Today, we are going to meet Andrea of Empty Plate, Full Heart, a blog full of inspiring stories and the like!

Friendship may not always be something we think about intentionally, and that is exactly where Andrea comes in today! She has some great thoughts and experiences in having intentional friendships and has a lot to share!

After reading this post, be sure to check out her blog and share this post :)

Find Andrea on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

Tell us a bit about yourself: What are your passions, work and interests?

My name is Andrea Stunz. I am the wife of one, mom of three, mother in law of two and grandmother of one (hoping for more!). I am originally from South Texas but have lived and traveled to the tune of a very fat passport. I love good food and good coffee and I find so much hope in every sunrise.

I feel like in all of the callings God has placed on my life, He has serendipitously worked many of them out through my role as a mom. Motherhood comes naturally. Marriage is a bit more challenging. That being said, my husband and I, through a lot of hard work and God’s amazing grace, have been married for over 27 years now.

As I approach the bi-centennial age bracket, I’m learning that a shared page in my story can encourage someone else to turn the page in theirs. This plays into my calling as a writer. As I am entering my empty nest years, I have asked myself the question more than once what I want to be when I grow up. God has clearly confirmed to me that I have words to be shared and that quite possibly, someone out there may need to read them.

I love capturing moments in time through the camera lens. My adventurous spirit comes from a deep desire to see, taste, hear, smell and touch everything that God has created. I simply can’t get enough of His creation story.


Would you say that being intentional in friendships is important? What are the benefits?

This is an interesting question for me. I’ve moved often throughout my life so cultivating friendships (finding them, keeping them and losing them) has always been a major part of who I am. Add to the mix that I am an introvert by any and all definitions so this is where relationships get tricky. Being intentional in making friends has always been important but keeping them is what becomes the challenge.

 The benefits of being intentional in our friendships are immeasurable. The bottom line is that if you don’t want to be lonely, you simply must be intentional about making and keep friends. It might take a quick “I’m thinking about you!” text or an email or a long lunch together but putting the first foot forward is crucial. Always remember that we must be the kind of friend we want to have.

Were you always intentional in your friendships? If so, why? If not, what made that change?

I have not always been intentional in my friendships or most of my relationships, if I’m honest with you. As I mentioned before, I am an introvert. I like being alone. I am recharged by being alone. I guess the first time I remember being very purposeful about making friends was when we moved overseas. I knew that my bent would be to stay at home and live with my family in my known and safe environment. I also knew that this wouldn’t work for me. I wanted to have a life more than I wanted to be alone. I joined an American women’s organization with the sole purpose of exploring and learning new things. It would also prove to force me to be around other people. I didn’t necessarily make any great new friends through that but it was a good way for me to be intentional. It got me out of my cocoon.

Another time of change for me in being intentional in friendship was during a season of personal brokenness. I lost a few friends during that season because quite honestly, I wasn’t able to be a very good friend. I was in survival mode and there was very little margin for fluff relationships. It turned out to be a good weeding in my life and the friendships that stuck, those who were intentional in keeping me, taught me so much about how to be a better friend. The friends who stuck with me during that time and helped and encouraged and stayed, they mean the world to me. I long to mean the world to someone else in that same way, to be that kind of friend. 

What would you say to encourage someone who is struggling with intentionality in this area of their life?

 If you’re struggling to find friends or keep friends, take a look at the kind of friend you are. Be the kind of friend you want to have. Grasping this in my life was such a turning point. Take a look at the kind of people you are hanging around with. Someone once told me that we become like the 5 people we hang around with the most. Who do you want to become? Narrow your focus to finding those 5 people or those 5 types of people. If we are constantly looking for others to come to us, to fill us rather than the focus being on us filling others then we will likely live unfulfilled and disappointed. We should make the effort to become someone we would like if we expect others to like us too. Simply profound.

Be the friend you want to have. History has proven to me that in doing so, friends will find you!

What about you? What helps you be intentional in your friendships? Why don't you tell us about it in the comments, and connect with us on social media?

(Don't forget to use the hashtag #WomenOfIntention16 so no one misses it!)


Women of Intention Week Eight: Faith

Women of Intention, FaithAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

Welcome to week eight of the series, Women of Intention! We are about halfway through and Maple Alps will continue to feature a woman every week who will talk about intentionality in specific areas in her life. So glad you've decided to stop by! For more information, and a list of topics, visit our introduction post HERE

Intentionally live out your faith. Interview with Courtney of Sown with Strength on Maple Alps. #WomenOfIntention16

women of intention maple alps


Today, we are going to meet Courtney of, Sown with Strength.

Courtney is a an inspiring woman who lives out her faith and today, she will be sharing her story and some valuable points with us! I hope you are encouraged and inspired but her interview - I know I was! 

After reading this, don't forget to check out Courtney's website, and share this post! :) 

Find Courtney on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

Tell Us A Bit About Yourself: What are your passions, work and interests?

I grew up expecting BIG things from God. I wanted to travel the world, work a job I was passionate about, marry the man of my dreams and live happily ever after.

When I graduated college, I lived in China for a year, teaching English and serving to share more about what Jesus has done in my life. When the year finished, I was left with no choice but to return home because of student loan debt. Thankfully my parents were generous and allowed me to live at home while I worked on paying my debt. The debt was so heavy on me, I began to feel my dreams and expectations of God diminish. I felt stuck. No longer believing God had incredible plans for me, my faith faced a crossroads. I needed to CHOOSE to believe God wasn’t finished me with yet and He would STILL use me.

 When I made this choice, my life began to shift. I grew in understanding of how to honour God daily even if my life looked different than I expected or hoped. As time went on, He brought me my husband. And with my husband, I was blessed with the opportunity to travel the world with him as his cheerleader for his career as a professional basketball player! So far we have lived in Australia, New Zealand, Bulgaria, and Hungary! Because of his job, I have the travel I always dreamed of. But I was still missing purpose.

I believe God has created each of us for a divine purpose with a unique story. But I was having a hard time finding my own voice as a new wife following my husband on the journey God had him on. So I began praying, “God what is MY purpose?” A few weeks later, He opened up the door for me to begin pursuing a new ministry. I became an online health + fitness coach! I run monthly online fitness bootcamps, and I mentor others to successfully start and build their own businesses as coaches! It’s the perfect ministry and business fit for me! Despite the hard times to get to this point, God has totally had an incredible plan for me all along. It may take time to get to where you hope to be, but God has a reason and purpose for each season. I’m so blessed to now be living that life I was always praying for; living on purpose for the Kingdom, and being able to travel the world with my best friend!

The steps along the way have been challenging at times, but it has refined my faith and given me the chance to rely on God even more! 

How Do You Intentionally Live a Faith Filled Life?

I intentionally live a faith-filled life by filling my life with Jesus. Always Jesus. As much as I can! My husband and I keep each other accountable. We are reading “Me and You Forever” by Francis and Lisa Chan. In that book, they mentioned how their family had a house rule where they could only watch TV after spending time with Jesus. So we decided to commit to the same thing. Currently, we are reading the Bible in a Year through our Bible App. We spend at least one night a week praying together. I also am intentional to live a faith-filled life through my business. Growing is an important foundation as a coach, so it encourages me to be growing and create life-giving, faith-producing content that encourages + equips others. 


I loved your post, “Confessions of a Christian Fitness Coach.” It’s refreshing to see a fitness page that is quite different than the ones we’re used to seeing. Could you tell us just briefly why you’ve chosen to go this route?

Aww thank you so much. That was hard to post. Even as I narrowed down my boundaries as a fitness page, one that would honour both my God and my husband, I still had temptation. It’s so easy to look at other fitness accounts and see how successful their posts and numbers are attributing it to them showing more skin. Many times I would think, if only I post more ab shots or in my sports bra, then maybe I would have the same engagement. But when I began this business, I knew two things for sure: 1. This was from God and 2. This was for God. I knew deep in my heart I would feel guilty and not have confidence in my ministry/business if I wasn’t being true to my identity in Christ. I feel confident in my choice now. I believe that God is blessing my obedience and ultimately, regardless of the money or numbers I get from my job as a fitness coach, I am making a difference for the Kingdom and that is the only thing that matters when it comes down to it. 


How else does your intentional faith translate into your every-day activities and work?

I want everything I do to be done with the Gospel in mind. I’m constantly growing as a leader in my business, as an entrepreneur networking, as a wife, as a coach, as a daughter and friend how to communicate in love; how to offer gentleness instead of selfish gain. For example, I had a situation come up where I was utilizing a marketing company to grow my business. Somehow it got linked to liking inappropriate pictures on Instagram. While many would see that as just a sacrifice worth making to grow a network, I was not on board with that. My commitment was to God first and being pure in my business practices. It is damaging to my business to have others see my account linked to those. Therefore, I chose to have faith that God would grow my business in authentic, organic ways instead of compromising on my image as a believer in Christ with a marketing company.

I also am intentional with everyday things. For example, I have written bible verses on notecards and taped them around the house as reminders. I have one right by kitchen sink so I’m reminded even washing the dishes or preparing dinner for my husband can honour and glorify God. It’s about inviting God into our everyday activities that may seem mundane at the time but cultivate within us an awareness and intentionality that God is our focus. 

What would you say to encourage someone who is struggling with intentionality in this area of their life?

Set up accountability. It’s the same thing that makes the difference between people trying to get in shape on their own and people who work with me in my online bootcamps. You can have all the right intentions and tools, but if you don’t have accountability to change and transform, you won’t see that actually play out. Same can be said about growing in your faith. To be intentional about anything, it takes commitment. A new commitment can be difficult to stay consistent with. Therefore, accountability plays a healthy, important role to make sure that commitment is consistent. For me, I am not good at remembering to sit down with Jesus every day unless I feel depleted. But I want this to be my habit no matter how I feel. So I need accountability. My husband keeps me accountable each day. 

What about you? What helps you live faithfully and intentionality in life? Why don't you tell us about it in the comments, and connect with us on social media?

(Don't forget to use the hashtag #WomenOfIntention16 so no one misses it!)

Women of Intention Week Seven: Simplici-tea

Women of IntentionAmanda Walter | Maple Alps1 Comment

Welcome to week 7 of the series, Women of Intention! We are about halfway through! Maple Alps will continue to feature a woman every week who will talk about intentionality in specific areas in her life. So glad you've decided to stop by! For more information, and a list of topics, visit our introduction post HERE

Do you live a simple and intentional life? Read how one woman does! Women of Intention Week 7 #WomenOfIntention16

Women of Intention Week 7


Today, we are going to meet Lu Ann of, The Cup of Life

Lu Ann is a true tea enthusiast, and whenever I visit her fantastic blog, I get thirsty! Today, Lu Ann will talk to us about the role of tea in her life, and intentionally living simple lives. I don't mean to give a spoiler, but she has some great things to say. Why don't you grab a cup of tea and join us?

After reading this, don't forget to check out Lu Ann's blog, and share this post! :) 

Find Lu Ann on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

Tell Us A Bit About Yourself: What are your passions, work and interests?

Hi! I’m Lu Ann and I’m a tea enthusiast and writer based in Ontario, Canada. That being said, tea is my biggest passion, work and interest. I love being able to help others see that there are many ways to enjoy tea (it’s not just for drinking!). When I’m not writing about tea or drinking it, I’m finding the many ways I can incorporate it into my life through tea infused recipes, DIY, and more.


You blog about all things tea. Where did this love of tea come from?

When I was seven years old I finally got my first sip of tea. While I don’t remember the tea exactly I recall it came from a wooden box and was strawberry flavoured. It was love at first sip. What made me enjoy it so much wasn’t just for the beverage but also for the company - my mother and sister. Tea for me has always been viewed as the best way to bring people together. When I started my tea blog is was more of a place to share my creative writing with a cup of tea by my side. I later had the great opportunity to join the wonderful tea community and my blog began to become so much more on the world’s most popular beverage, tea. 

What would you say simplicity is and how does it tie into your intentional living?

The easiest way for me to describe what is simplicity is to compare it to a cup of tea. I find tea is one of the things that help me focus on more natural aspects in life and live according to my values. While there are many fun and cool tea products that can “help” you make the best possible tea the thing we need to remember is that you really only need a bowl, water and tea leaves to experience something wonderful. You don’t actually need that tea timer, the newest kettle, or even that frother for cafe quality tea lattes at home. Sometimes aesthetics are nice but can take away from the true meaning of tea. Like life, simple is always best.

What would you say to encourage someone who is struggling with living with intentionality?

Try your best to bring it into your life slowly. Small steps are key. Start by being more aware of those around you and your actions. Everything you do should be done mindfully. If you need guidance, before your next action, simply ask yourself “Why am I about to do this?” Oh, and also make yourself a cup of tea!

What about you? What helps you approach simplicity and intentionality in life? Why don't you tell us about it in the comments, and connect with us on social media?

(Don't forget to use the hashtag #WomenOfIntention16 so no one misses it!)


Women of Intention Week Six: Fitness

Women of IntentionAmanda Walter | Maple Alps1 Comment

Welcome to week six of the series, Women of Intention! Over the next fifteen weeks, Maple Alps will feature a woman who will talk about intentionality in specific areas in her life. So glad you've decided to stop by! For more information, and a list of topics, visit our introduction post HERE

#WomenOfIntention16 Women of Intention Week Six - Maple Alps

This Week's Intentional Woman:

Today, we meet Emma of I'm His Little: An awesome community for believers and non believers alike to come to learn and converse.

As you will soon find out, Emma (a fellow Canadian!) leads an exciting life with her husband and is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to child birth! Today, she'll be talking to us about one of her passions: fitness! Be sure to check out her website and share this post when you're done!

Find Emma on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

Tell Us A Bit About Yourself: What are your passions, work and interests?

My name is Emma Messner, and I am newly married to my wonderful husband, Jordan. I am a Canadian, born and raised on the West Coast in Alberta and British Columbia. I now live in Washington State with my husband who was born and raised in Ohio.

I work in the birth community, as I feel that God has called me to serve childbearing women. I serve pregnant and labouring women with their transition into motherhood by playing a role as their Birth and Postpartum Doula. I am currently working towards my certification as a Childbirth Educator, and a Prenatal Fitness Instructor.

I am a former Competitive Figure Skater meets Powerlifter, and I love both sports because they’ve taught me so much in my lifetime. I love to bake, cook, and knit. I enjoy reading--but only when the book is enjoyable. ;)


How do you approach the subject of fitness intentionally? Is it just about having a fit body, or is it more than that? Do you think fitness or being fit is necessary for everyone?

I love being asked this question, because it’s an opportunity to share my faith and also share one of my deepest passions. I started taking my fitness seriously about two and a half years ago when was forced to quit skating due to a torn labrum, which resulted in hip surgery. When I was healed from my surgery my focus changed.  I wanted to worship Jesus with my body and take care of the body that Christ died for.

The way I see it is that we have one body. God has entrusted us with that one body to care for, and I want to do that to the best of my ability.

I do sincerely believe that fitness is necessary for everyone--believers or non believers, because we have one body to live with. Taking care of your body is vital, and staying fit comes with a multitude of benefits. It’s much more than aesthetics, but if that’s what gets you to the gym, then go for it!

So I know you’re into powerlifting. Could you tell us a bit about why you’ve chosen this sport and some philosophy behind it? Would you recommend it?

I explored the different avenues of weightlifting and where it could take me, and I decided that Powerlifting was the best sport for me. I looked into Bodybuilding, but with my competitive figure skating background, I needed more the typical Bikini or Figure Competitors.

Powerlifting is about being the strongest you can be in your weight class. There’s no significant bulking or cutting in Powerlifting, for the most part. Powerlifting is about finding the strength that your body can take and growing from there. It wasn’t until about 8 months ago that I started lifting heavier. I didn’t even know that I truly wanted to be a Powerlifter until about 3 months ago, when I settled into Washington State and my hubby and I were able to work-out consistently with each other. With a background in Exercise Science, and a Strength and Conditioning Coach resume, my husband was able to guide me into the transition of powerlifting. Needless to say, I’m so thankful for his expertise because I wouldn’t be where I am without him.

I would definitely recommend powerlifting, but I know that in all honesty, not everyone (especially women) desires deadlifting 300+lbs. However, I would recommend Powerlifting to someone who wants to weight lift and wants to be strong more than they desire aesthetics. With that said however, aesthetics will come to the Powerlifter who eats reasonably healthy. It’s just the nature of the sport.


What would you say to encourage someone who is struggling with intentionality in this area of their life?

It’s a very common area that people struggle with. I used to be that person that hated going to the gym. Maybe that will never change for some, because God created us all very differently. It’s always helpful to have an accountability partner, and my partner is my husband. We push, encourage, and motivate each other, and we’re always there when the other needs a spotter! A work-out partner is an awesome way to hold yourself accountable because two is always better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:9,10).

I would ask them why they believe (or don’t believe) that health and fitness is essential to their daily lives. Then, I would ask them what their goals are towards their health and fitness, and what they see their future looking like if they don’t start intentionally living a healthy lifestyle.

I would encourage them to not look so much into themselves, but look upwards, and remember what their purpose is in this lifetime. We were called for something so much bigger than ourselves. 

What about you? Do you intentionally approach fitness? Inspired by Emma's story? Why don't you tell us about it in the comments, and connect with us on social media?

(Don't forget to use the hashtag #WomenOfIntention16 so no one misses it!)