Maple Alps

Women of Intention

Women of Intention

Women of IntentionAmanda Walter | Maple Alps14 Comments

I am so excited to introduce you to the new series, "Women of Intention!" Maple Alps is a faith-based lifestyle blog focused on living intentionally, simply and content. The goal is to present these principles to our readers in a practical way. 

Over the next fifteen weeks (check every Monday morning!), Maple Alps will feature a woman who will talk about intentionality in specific areas in her life. These areas will include faith, relationships, lifestyle, finances and health (scroll to the bottom to see a complete list).

It has been so exciting getting to know the amazing women being interviewed, and I hope you will be as inspired and motivated by their stories and insights as I have been.

We want to grow the community of intentionality. Please feel free to add and share throughout the next fifteen weeks as we explore the topics being discussed. You can do this through commenting on the interview posts, or engaging and sharing via social media - commenting or posting! We would love to see how you're finding intentionality in your lives. Go ahead and use the hashtag #WomenOfIntention16 on your tweets or posts to make sure everyone sees it and can be inspired too :)

Women of Intention #WomenOfIntention16

Keep up with the posts every Monday morning, or keep checking back to this post, where I will list the links are they are posted. Please note, that order of topics is subject to change.

Are you practicing intentionality in your life, or striving for it? Were you especially inspired a featured blogger? Are you excited for this series? Why don't you tell us and everyone you know about it? There are likely many readers who share the same thoughts.

Tweet about it, post on Instagram or Facebook - wherever you want - and use the hashtag #WomenOfIntention16 to interact with the small community of like-minded readers! I know that everyone involved would love to hear from you!